A downloadable game for Windows

Horpus is a horror-themed video game which was developed using UE5 by 4 game programming students for a school project. The game has been tailored to offer a less intense experience.

The complete game is about a person being trapped on the top floor of their 5 story apartment building with different monsters on each floor for them to dodge/escape from, by using traps, lures, sneaking techniques and equipment. 

This prototype has a house with a long corridor and a not so terrifying monster AI to show what the game could be like. The game was built with an expectation of expanding the game play in the future.


Move: WASD

Interact: Space

Use Item: Left Click

Sneak: Left CTRL

Hold Breath: Left Shift


  • The cat can hear your step sounds if you leave the door open 
  • It  hears heavy breathing if it's close enough
  • Higher sneak level will lower  your step sounds
  • The cat LOVES the catnip but be careful, it might get bored of it sooner than you expect


HORPUS.rar 1.6 GB
Version 1 Sep 21, 2023


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Is it possible to avoid the cat or is there something else to do before leaving the room ?


Run like hell! I managed to run like crazy and get the catnip in the partnering room! Items stay with you even if you get caught

You can hide behind the sofas, table and wardrobe. Be careful though, if you are breathing heavy, the cat can hear you. Hold your breath by pressing left shift. If the door is open to the room that you're in, he can hear your steps! Sneak by pressing left ctrl to lower your step sound emission. You can also find sneaking shoes in the bedroom by the wardrobe. The kitty LOVES catnip, use it to your advantage! C:


I really liked the game! I can totally see the AI in the future terrifying people as they're being chased by the monsters! The cat is adorable too! Can't wait to see what the future brings with this group! Great job!

(2 edits) (+1)

Thanks! It means a lot C:
After watching your video we realized that we are lacking some instructions for the game, we will be updating the game  soon and we would love for you to try again then!


Thank you, that was a fun experience! And sure, I wouldn't mind trying it again! I figured there must be some sort of sneak button, but I couldn't find it! XD

Yes! You can use left ctrl to sneak! :3



Next time I'll use that then! XD